Declan Waters, Missionary Servant of Holy Love from Ireland, gave a talk on the power and the importance of the Rosary of the Unborn. Includes messages from Heaven on abortion and the Rosary of the Unborn given at Holy Love Ministry, USA, and also a personal testimony. To order the Rosary of the Unborn in Europe and Internationally, and in Americas.
Carmel and Declan marching for life...
Mr. Declan Waters speaks to pilgrims at Holy Love
Mr. Waters has been a part of Holy Love Ministeries for many years and diligently promotes the Rosary of the Unborn, and the messages on the Revelation of the United Hearts, throughout Europe. Mr. Waters described himself to the audience as a “Missionary from Ireland”. He went on to say, “A missionary is a person on a mission with a message. My message is the most important message for the world today. It is the message ot the Rosary of the Unborn. The Rosary of the Unborn is the new sacramental which will conquer abortion and is given by Heaven for the world today.”
Mr Waters used a home video to acquaint the audience with the scope of his work in promoting the Rosary of the unborn. He has brought the message of the Rosary of the Unborn to Poland, Malta, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, France and Ireland. He has introduced the Rosary of the Unborn to people by sharing it with them one-on-one, speaking at conferences, rallies and universities and by using TV and radio. Mr. Waters encouraged the audience to use every opportunity that comes their way to let others know about the power of the Rosary of the Unborn.
He concluded his talk by saying, “Holy Love is your path to victory. Prayer and sacrifice your weapons. Do not cease to understand the importance of every prayer in the fight with the enemy on the battlefield of spiritual warfare, especially with the Rosary of the Unborn”.
Source: Holy Love, Making It Known Newsletter, Fall 2011 issue
USA: This is an interview given by Declan and Carmel Waters, prominent prolife speakers from "ProLife-HumanLife", Ireland, to an American channel Catholic TV. Very inspiring!
MALTA: Declan and Carmel Waters share their testimony on how God saves lives of those who rely on Him, with a special emphasis on life in the womb. They also present the Crystal Rosary, which Declan had a vision of when working at his crystal factory, and which subsequently led him to the Rosary of the Unborn, which he and his wife are now dedicated to propagating.
USA: Carmel Waters speaking about the Rosary of the Unborn on “The Gist”, a CatholicTV programme, giving her testimony on how the loving God saved lives of her daughter and grandchild, in an extremely complicated pregnancy, through prayer! This is a powerful personal testimony, please share it to promote the Rosary of the Unborn, the ultimate weapon to combat abortion in the world.
Make it known!
We are regularly invited to speak in:
- England
- Ireland
- Lituania
- Malta
- Poland
- Portugal (Lisbon & Fatima)
- Rumania
- Wales etc
If you would like to promote the Rosary of the Unborn in your area, or if you have questions, please feel free to contact us.